Imagine two situations that can happen in a classroom. One, the teacher teaches in the conventional manner where she delivers the information in lecture form and leaves the class once completed. Second, the teacher begins the class by asking the students a few questions relevant to the lesson, gives some time to brainstorm, then presents the information of the matter at hand and after that, asks a random student to narrate the lesson learned in his/her own words. In which method do you think that the students consumed the subject better? It does not need you to be physically present in the classroom to come up with the answer and show your support for the second scenario.
This is the power of classroom engagement and this is what you will always find in the best CBSE school in Jodhpur. Numerous researchers around the world have come up with multiple benefits that this teaching method has on students. No one feels disconnected from the lessons. The purpose of the subjects is hardly questioned. The technique purely works on sparking interest among the students and then feeding it systematically.
Classroom engagement promotes rational thinking
The very first step that the second teaching situation had points directly towards this attribute. When teachers ask students a random unknown question and provide them with the time and space to think upon it, the method actually wakes up the rational and imaginative side of every student. The child who might know the answer will try to recall the information from memory. The student who doesn’t have the answer will scout through his/her own knowledge well and let the imaginative part form innovative responses. Both ways, thinking comes to the forefront which later becomes a life-saving habit and such a group of students will make questioning a situation his/her first step in an unknown circumstance.
Higher engagement equals better learning
All the questioning and thinking will have created curiosity. The student with the right answer will want feedback on his/her performance while the child with no answer will want the solution. Here, at this very instant, the entire class has formed a need for the information. Now when the teacher explains the concept and imparts the lesson, the students will willingly consume all and pay the highest levels of attention. As evident, learning is better when the students were engaged first rather than merely expecting them to listen as happens in the conventional approach. No student misses out. Everyone takes part and accepts education due to the need created. Learning reaches its peak when it trails engagement.
There is room for innovation
Now consider the part where the teacher asks a random student to summarise the lesson learned. This works as feedback to the teacher who can evaluate the consumption level. If every time the teacher turns to the students to look for the correct explanation and the response comes, then the method is working. However, if the performance slowly starts degrading, this calls for some innovation in the current teaching technique. The top 10 schools in Jodhpur, thus have provisions for smart classes, online tools, topic-specific models in laboratories, and every other resource that can break the classroom monotony. The need for innovation came in through engagement which causes even further engagement.
Student-centric approach – the ultimate result
Following such a pedagogy makes it easy for the teacher to identify the unique needs of the students in the classroom. Here, when you take the whole classroom engagement process into account, you can easily form the following analysis. The student who always tends to have all the answers, both at the beginning and the end of the class, is clearly a performer. He/she needs specific guidance to amplify her performance and dive into other complicated topics as the child can take it. Similarly, the student who does not frequently have the answers can take one-to-one sessions with the teacher to catch up on his/her lessons and explore other forms of learning better suited for him/her. Classroom engagement makes the pedagogy student-centric.
The importance of engagement is undeniable
The best School of Jodhpur Vidhashram International School understands that classroom engagement and inquiry-based learning are one of the principles of education that the entire institute’s philosophy is hinged upon. The entire learning experience becomes meaningful with this approach. Every step, every strategy, has some contribution in-store towards the student’s academic growth.